The Power of Twitter
author lover blogger technology fan life high education grade teaching science gifted educator teacher English book social learner books writer reading middle school coach music love specialist media tech great literacy educational coordinator resources learning web world kids gr8 edtech
students classroom teachers
learning sharing
students classroom teachers
learning sharing
The above word cloud was created from profiles of our Twitter contacts. "Sweet" would be one word to express how much Twitter means to our learning experience.
Tweeting and learning in the classroom is becoming a common activity in room 12 at OMS. Introducing Twitter to 6th graders has been a lot of fun! Students are sharing what they are learning, asking questions, and connecting to the world with their Twitter friends. Some recent highlights would include discussing chapters from a shared read aloud, The Little Prince, with a class in Canada and hearing from Sharon Creech while tweeting about her book, Love That Dog.If you want to follow our class on Twitter add @oms6th to your list of amazing contacts.