What: Face-2-Face meeting with Kaleb Nation
When: June 8th, 2010 2:00
Where: Undisclosed Border's Bookstore, LA, California
Why: Chance to meet Kaleb in person and get books signed
After many tweets, emails, and even a phone call, the promise over Skype to meet during the summer became a reality. Kaleb and teacher6th (that's me) along with teacher6th's family sat on the balcony of Border's Bookstore soaking in the California sunshine.
Topics of conversation included information about Bran Hambric the Farfield Curse and the soon to be released sequel. Kaleb shared his excitement steming from his new YA book he has just begun. He also shared how awesome he thinks the students at OMS are and can't wait to see more creative projects.
"Write what you are excited about," was his advice to any inspiring young author. He also stressed the importance of reading and note-taking to use as background knowledge during the writing process.
After autographs and book signings, photographs and hugs, Kaleb and teacher6th parted ways- until they meet again... luckily Twitter, Facebook,Skype, Blogtv, and http://www.kalebnation.com/ and http://www.branhambric.com/ is available!